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SHRF funding fuels alignment of health research with Saskatchewan needs

Chelsea Cunningham for SHRF

Researcher develops self-help options for sufferers of PMDD

Dr. Jennifer Gordon, Associate Professor of Psychology with the University of Regina's Faculty of Arts, is working to support those suffering from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): a debilitating condition that afflicts women with severe psychological symptoms in the weeks leading up to menstruation. Using 2023-24 Align Grant funding, Dr. Gordon and her team are addressing the need for non-pharmaceutical PMDD supports by developing a video-based self-help program for sufferers. Developed in collaboration between a clinical psychologist and a PMDD patient advocacy group, this video series will promote evidence-based skills for coping with difficult symptoms, including suicidal thoughts. Dr. Gordon will then lead a pilot study testing the program's efficacy, using the results to pursue federal funding in order to develop and test the program on a larger scale.

Developing a Self-Help Program for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with Dr. Jennifer Gordon (Photo: Submitted)

Using wearable devices to promote youth physical activity

With the goal of improving childhood activity levels through the use of commercially available wearable devices, Dr. Daniel Fuller, Associate Professor with the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine, is using 2023-24 Align Grant funding to set the stage for ongoing research. He and his team will conduct an environmental scan in order to develop a database of existing research, and identify the availability, equity and validity of these devices across populations. Next, the team will form a methodological working group of Canadian researchers who will work to address equity, measurement and methods of commercially available wearable devices among Canadian youth.

A Working Group for Equity, Measurement, and Methods for Commercial Wearable Devices Among Children and Youth with Dr. Daniel Fuller (Photo: Submitted)

SHRF's Align Grant

The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) is funding over $120,000 in research alignment activities in Saskatchewan through the SHRF 2023-24 Align Grant, Call #2.

We would like to extend our congratulations to this next wave of Align Grant recipients, who are investigating, coordinating and aligning important health research in Saskatchewan. These projects are helping to ensure that health research in our province is connected to the needs of the people who will use and benefit from it. - Patrick Odnokon, SHRF CEO

Connections Program: The Connections Program supports health research activities in Saskatchewan that reach outside of academic settings. Funded activities promote knowledge mobilization and alignment across the province, addressing the gap between knowledge generation and knowledge integration. The Connections Program funds short-term and targeted research activities in Saskatchewan. Connections Program applications are reviewed by SHRF staff and external reviewers and embrace applications that include community organizations and CRA-qualified charities.

Align Grant: The Align Grant was first established in 2022 with the goal of providing funding to enable the development and engagement of robust interdisciplinary research teams, and the completion of activities that shape research to align with the context and needs of Saskatchewan. The Align Grant includes several calls each fiscal year, allowing researchers to coordinate their existing or upcoming initiatives with these targeted alignment opportunities.

SHRF's Align Grant, Call #2 has supported 13 research projects through a total investment of $124,480.


2023-24 Align Grant, Call #2 Recipients

Amira Abdelrasoul | University of Saskatchewan $9,900 Establishing Partnerships with Indigenous Hemodialysis Patients in Saskatchewan Towards Improved Patient Outcomes

Jacob Alhassan | University of Saskatchewan $10,000 Travelling Towards Wellness: Community - Policy Maker Dialogues to Sustain and Expand the La Ronge and Prince Albert Free Bus Service

Lindsey Boechler | Saskatchewan Polytechnic $10,000 Wellness Summit for Indigenous Youth Living in Rural and Remote Saskatchewan Communities

Jorden Cummings | University of Saskatchewan $8,908 Saskatchewan Anti-Violence Research (SAvR) Network: Community-Established Priorities

Jenn de Lugt | University of Regina $6,570 An Environmental Scan of Student Mental Health Needs and Supports in Saskatchewan Schools

Daniel Fuller | University of Saskatchewan $9,941 A Working Group for Equity, Measurement, and Methods for Commercial Wearable Devices Among Children and Youth

Jennifer Gordon | University of Regina $10,000

Developing a Self-Help Program for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Soo Kim | University of Saskatchewan Stacey Lovo | University of Saskatchewan $9,736 Virtual Reality for Indigenous Youth and the Next Generation of Emerging Health Science Professionals (VINE)

Angelica Lang | University of Saskatchewan $10,000 Exploring Musculoskeletal Health Needs After Gender-Affirming Surgery

Michelle Prytula | University of Saskatchewan $9,500 The Impacts of Expressions of Anti-2SLGBTQI+ Sentiments in Mainstream Media on the Mental Health of 2SLGBTQI+ Youth

Kathryn Ricketts | University of Regina $10,000 Artful Encounters: Re-Imagining Older Adult Health and Well-Being

JoLee Sasakamoose | University of Regina

Mamata Pandey | Saskatchewan Health Authority $10,000 Inclusive Pathways: Understanding and Assessing the Needs of the Comeback Society Through an Indigenous Community-Based Assessment

Stacey Waters | Saskatchewan Polytechnic Sabira Valiani | University of Saskatchewan $9,926 Identifying Bereavement Support Gaps for People Who Have Lost a Loved One in a Saskatoon Intensive Care Unit


The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) is the provincial agency that funds, supports and promotes the impact of health research that matters to Saskatchewan. SHRF collaborates with stakeholders to contribute to the growth of a high-performing health system, culture of innovation and the improved health of citizens by strengthening research capacity and competitiveness, increasing the investment in health research in Saskatchewan and aligning research with the needs of our stakeholders.

Inquiries about SHRF's Align Grant may be directed to Karen Tilsley, Director of Programs and Partnerships, at


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