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  • SHRF

Update Regarding COVID-19

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

June 17, 2020

As we continue to monitor and respond to COVID-19 as a province and as an organization, SHRF understands that for each of our SHRF-funded researchers, your work is being impacted differently. Early on, it was decided that SHRF would continue forward business as usual, with a continued commitment to support our researchers as best we can.

However, we understand that things in Saskatchewan’s health research ecosystem are far from usual and we know our funded researchers are trying their best to find ways to continue research activities where and when possible. As you do so, please keep in mind that you continue to follow the approved research proposal and budget. It is especially important that the funds directed to the research continue to support the work and objectives of the grant and its deliverables.

SHRF can and will continue to support you and your research as best we can during this time, including discussing extension requests, budget adjustments and possible changes to the research, however, SHRF will not be able to support researchers with additional funds outside of their original budget to cover any unforeseen costs due to the impact of COVID-19.

As always, SHRF is available if you have questions or concerns about your grant. We understand each situation is unique and will continue to consider inquiries on a case-by-case basis to best serve our research community.

Please reach out to Programs and Peer Review Manager, Dani, at to ask questions or to request a virtual meeting to further discuss your concerns.


March 31, 2020

COVID-19 and the necessary responses taken by our province to limit the spread of the virus has affected every aspect of our lives, from life at home to how we work; our social activities to accessing basic services. This has also affected all aspects of our health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Our province is home to a vast pool of expertise and knowledge in many areas that could help the people of Saskatchewan face these new realities and challenges and find a renewed strength in difficult times. That is why SHRF is calling on the Saskatchewan research community to be creative!

Do you have an idea, backed by existing research evidence or knowledge, that could be helpful to the people of Saskatchewan and improve our overall health and wellness during this pandemic?

Maybe it’s something that can help families with young children adjust to new situations; helping people stay connected or active while socially distancing from their communities; finding additional supports for caregivers of people living with dementia, mobility issues, or chronic disease; creating new resources for those learning to access services online; supporting health care workers and other essential personnel when it comes to keeping them safe or dealing with stress.

In response to COVID-19 and the threats to our health, we are offering a special Research Connections call for up to $10,000 dedicated to ideas that can help with the current pandemic situation, aligned with the needs of our province.

Please see the Application Package for specific details on project and applicant eligibility, and for instructions on how to apply.


March 24, 2020

At this time, SHRF remains committed to social distancing and staff continue to work remotely. We are still available to support our research community and would like to assure those who currently hold SHRF funding that we understand COVID-19 and the restrictions in place may have a significant impact on how and when you can carry out and complete your work. Our processes for reporting and grant extensions remain the same. Please see the most current Awards Guide on our funding resources page for our policies.

High-level details at this time:

  • Travel cancellation fees can be expensed to your grant

  • Your reporting deadlines remain the same

  • SHRF grants extensions on a case-by-case basis. See section 4.8 in the Awards Guide for more details.

If you have questions or concerns about your current grant at this time, Dani, SHRF's Funding Programs Officer, is available to address them. You can email her at to ask questions or to request a virtual meeting to further discuss your concerns. For general programs questions/concerns, contact

As always, SHRF is here to help and continues to monitor the situation.


March 13, 2020

Given the situation the world is facing in regard to COVID-19, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) understands there may be impacts on your SHRF-funded work or travel to share the knowledge and impact of your research.

SHRF has already taken steps to adjust our activities in a way that considers the best interests of our stakeholders, such as hosting our upcoming orientation session online only and limiting in-person meetings and events. SHRF will continue to monitor the situation and take the appropriate steps to ensure we are making decisions that protect our stakeholders’ and personal health and safety.

We would like to confirm that travel cancellation fees can be expensed to your grant. For questions or concerns about the impact on your research, we encourage you to contact the SHRF funding team and we will consider situations and solutions as the need arises.

It’s times like these that we are thankful for and reaffirm our support of those who are working in the research community to find solutions to global health challenges and help protect the people of Saskatchewan.

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