2024-25 Important Dates
Competition Launch: September 4, 2024
Information Webinar: September 18, 2024 – 12:00 p.m. CST
Application Deadline*: December 19, 2024 – 4:30 p.m. CST
Funding Decisions: January 22, 2025
Funding Start Date: February 1, 2025
*Check with your institution for internal deadlines and allow time to obtain required approvals.
Opportunity Details
The purpose of the Mobilize Grant is to fund knowledge mobilization activities in relevant and practical settings and mediums, with the aim of improving the applicability and impact of health research in Saskatchewan.
For this call, activities must address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada report through evidence-based practices, research, and Indigenous ways of knowing
Proposed activities must fulfill the purpose of knowledge mobilization by addressing at least one of the following objectives:
Facilitate the use and integration of health research knowledge and evidence into practice and decision making.
Facilitate the use of relevant knowledge (e.g., lived experiences, traditional knowledge) to inform and guide research activities.
Facilitate the participation of non-academic team members in the research and knowledge sharing process.
Focus Area
Applications must address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action report in combination with any area of human health.
Funding Details
Up to $10,000
(No matching funding is required)
The grant provided is for up to one year (12 months)
Principal Applicant Requirements
The Principal Applicant is the individual who is responsible for the overall direction of the proposed activities, assumes administrative responsibility for the grant and receives all related correspondence from SHRF. The Principal Applicant is responsible for submitting the application by the deadline.
Principal Applicant eligibility requirements are modified for this grant compared to what is outlined in the SHRF Funding Guide and are as follows.
The Mobilize Grant Principal Applicant must:
Reside and work in Saskatchewan during the funding period of the grant.
Not be a trainee in relation to the proposed project.
Agree to adhere to all SHRF funding policies and annual reporting requirements.
Successful Principal Applicants will sign a Notice of Acceptance prior to the release of funds.
Failure to comply with terms and conditions will prevent authorization of any future SHRF funding.
Have a position that supports them to carry out activities that promote evidence-based health knowledge and practices on behalf of their organization for public benefit.
This includes:
Post-secondary institutions that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SHRF (see the complete list in the SHRF Funding Guide)
Registered charities
Non-profit organizations
If the Principal Applicant’s organization is not an MOU institution, they must be able to provide the following to SHRF:
Organization banking information to receive payment if an application is successful;
CRA registration number;
Contact information for a financial office or designated bookkeeper who is able to provide annual financial statements of account to SHRF for the duration of the grant;
Additional information as needed about their position and their organization regarding:
Their organization’s charitable status and experience receiving grants,
Purpose and governing documents of their organization (eg. annual report, governance structure, certificate of incorporation)
Information Webinar
How to Apply
Each application must be made online through SHRF’s Research Management System (SHRF RMS). All follow-up correspondence and documents will also be accessed there.
SHRF's Resources page has more information and technical support to help you throughout the application process.
You can also find helpful How-To videos on our YouTube page.
Click on 'Login to Apply' to access the system from any page on our website.
For help with the system, contact helpdesk@shrf.ca
Program Contacts
We're here to help!
For questions about the Mobilize Grant, reach out to the program manager, Chelsea Cunningham ccunningham@shrf.ca
For questions about the SHRF RMS, reach out to Tanya Skorobohach helpdesk@shrf.ca
For questions about other funding opportunities, reach out to fundinginfo@shrf.ca