Our Funding Programs
SHRF develops and executes research funding competitions that allow us to invest in collaborative, innovative, high-impact, peer-reviewed health research that is relevant to improving the health of Saskatchewan people.
SHRF funding is designed to support the strategic goals of:
Increasing investment in research and innovation
Strengthening research capacity and competitiveness
Aligning research with stakeholders' needs
We pride ourselves on continuously improving and adapting our funding programs to meet the needs of Saskatchewan. Our current funding opportunities fall into four Program pillars - Capacity, Solutions, Connections and Partnerships.
Grants offered:
Establishment Grant
Applications accepted December to January

The Capacity Program aims to strengthen research capacity and competitiveness. This is achieved through the Establishment Grant, which offers peer-reviewed research funding for early-career researchers in Saskatchewan in establishing an autonomous program of health research addressing Saskatchewan health challenges. This funding supports researchers to achieve the research productivity necessary for obtaining major funding from national and other external agencies. Researchers working in any area of human health are eligible to apply.
Grants offered:
Align Grant
Mobilize Grant
Applications accepted throughout the year

The Connections Program aims to connect and align research with the needs of Saskatchewan. Two funding opportunities are available to support connections throughout the research process: the Align Grant and the Mobilize Grant. The Connections Program differs from our other programs in that it is not a peer-reviewed competition and in some cases non-profits are eligible to apply for funding.
Grants offered:
Innovation Grant
Impact Grant
Applications accepted July-September

The Solutions Program offers peer-reviewed research funding for transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams working together with knowledge users to coordinate diverse skills and perspectives in a focused area. Each competition, specific timely Saskatchewan health challenges are named as Focus Areas to mobilize the research community and our partners and promote sustainable impact.
Grants offered:
Applications timelines depend on the funding partners

The Partnerships Program aims to connect Saskatchewan researchers with an expanded network of funding opportunities. This is achieved through providing support and contribution to partner opportunities. SHRF is continuously building partnerships and supporting Saskatchewan applicants. Current opportunities can be found on the Opportunities page.
Supporting Health Research
Research is the the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in new and creative ways to come to new understandings.
Our funding is open to any field, discipline, and methodology of research that addresses any area of human health and well-being, unless a specific focus area is specified in the application requirements.
Common goals of research funded by SHRF include:
Develop new medicines and treatments
Strengthen the health care system
Improve the health of people in Saskatchewan
Institution Partners
These institutions have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SHRF to administer SHRF grant funding on behalf of applicants.
The SHRF Mobilize Grant is open to non-profits in Saskatchewan in addition to these institutions, see the Application Requirements >
Funder Partners
SHRF partners with other provincial and national funders to connect researchers with an expanded network of opportunities. Current SHRF Partnership funding opportunities are found on Current Opportunities, but these partners may have other opportunities available.
To learn more about all SHRF's funding partners, visit Partnerships >